Friday, June 30, 2006

bad bad blogger

I've noticed that I'm only updating about once a week lately. nd it's not that I don't have topics that come to mind, it's just that I don't write about them.

One such topic: Oldest boy graduated High School. best comment of the day?

"Congratulations! you've leveled up!" (roleplaying reference. very funny.)

So now I've got one done, two to go. He's not out of the nest yet, but he's ready to start trial flights.

Another such topic: babyguy had a birthday. He wanted strawberry cake with white chocolate frosting, and the only recipe I had required a three layer cake. so it was a little lopsided. still pretty good. very pink. he decided that next year, he wants a spumoni cake. He received another 20,000 legos, as per request. And oldest boy bought him a gun that shoots foam suction cup ended 'darts' and... explosives. yep, according to the resident 18 year old, the proper gift for an 8 year old is something that explodes with a bang when you toss it on the ground. Hey, at least I talked the 10 year old into emptying the dishwasher for the week as a birthday present.

topics that I could write about but haven't include:
1) I weeded part of my garden. If I get ambitious, I'll weed the rest of it tomorrow. I might even paint. If you're lucky, you get to watch it dry.

2) My neighbor is moving to florida. the good one, who is nice to everyone, doesn't make a lot of noise, and isn't a major jerk. I wish I could be enthusiastic about new neighbors. but hey! the renter a couple houses down stabbed her live in boyfriend and I MISSED IT! I could have been on Maury if I'd been paying more attention. Maybe I'll get interesting neighbors like that! won't that be a trip and a half?

3) I have found a new webcomic. I must add it to my sidebar.
go to Devil's Panties today. You're welcome.

Fulfilling my job as Captain States-the-Obvious-

1) I had to have my 14 year old cat put to sleep. well that sucked.

2) when you get a lot of rain? you have reason to bitch. But bitching about a small creek in your basement to a person who lost everything to Katrina last year is just a little fucking obnoxious. that's why I didn't do it.

3)people on religious forums are generally assholes. that's a newsflash.

You wanna really have fun? Tell a fundi who thinks that masterbation is 'sinful' that women can masterbate without even touching themselves.

It will blow their minds.

What? I can.

You just got bonked by the TMI fairy!

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Mommy Wars….

According to some overpaid pundit, women who have earned a college degree and yet decide to stay at home and not bring in a paycheck have wasted their educations.

No word on men who do the same.

No word on men OR women who cannot get jobs in their field and end up working some minimum wage or union job to bring in the cash instead of what they planned on doing, either.

When I was a single mother, I got a degree in theater. My plan was to support myself and my son, doing something I was good at, that I liked.

Then Life Happened.


Over a decade later, I'm a SAHM, with three kids. Was my education wasted? Was the grant I obtained to pay for my education wasted? Was the time my profs spent teaching me wasted?

I keep thinking someone else could have had that spot, someone else could have benefited from that money...

But what about the men who aren't in the careers that they studied for? My brother got a degree in computer something or other. Since outsourcing, he's now making a living laying cable. Was his education wasted? One of the women I studied with left theater altogether and started over on a new degree in education. What I said about myself could apply to her, too.

Why is ANY education considered "wasted" when it doesn't pan out as planned? Is an educated society THAT BAD?

Is it possible that educated women AND men make more informed parents? Is there no contribution unless it can be measured in taxable income?


Friday, June 16, 2006

Tonight's post brought to you by the letters "B" and "L" and the number 3....

Apparantly there's a breastfeeding brouhaha over at blogging baby.... courtesy of L who blogs Homesick Home, (note the link over there---->) and has the audacity to feel that breastfeeding your kid should be a choice, not an imperative. Oh the Humanity! (or huge mammeries, which - I wasn't going to go there, but it's late and I'm lame. :oP)

So, anyway, She's started an informal poll, that I wanted to respond to, but I don't want to take up her entire freaking replies section, so I'm answering here, then I'll do that totally awesome html linking thing. 'cause I'm that good. (like 500,000,000 other women. meh.)

I'll start off by giving my breastfeeding creds:

I breastfed all three boys. The oldest, I pumped, because he was a preemie, and he never did get the hang of actually nursing. After a horrendous session of sleep deprivation on my part he went on formula at around 3 months or so. Midkid had to be pried away from my breast at the age of three or so, and he was the only one who was still nursing after he learned to talk. Cute kid, figured out how to climb out of his crib in the middle of the night and toddle into my room, climb up into my bed, and grab a snack well before he reached his first birthday. When I was feeding his little brother, he'd come up , gaze at me with his great big adorable blue eyes and say "sip a nipple?" which makes me a really bad mommy, because not only did I cave, but I thought it was really funny. Babyguy decided that cups were better when he was about a year old, and just stopped. my breasts didn't get the message for another 6 months or so, so THAT was fun.

So L had two questions:
How many of you tasted your own breastmilk?
How many of you tasted your wife/partner`s breastmilk?

which are sort of only one here goes:
I not only tasted my own breastmilk, I tried feeding it to my dog. Said dog was a beagle, and anyone who has ever owned a beagle knows that they will eat/drink/chew on ANYTHING that's not fast enough to get out of their way. This is a dog that thought cat poop was a tasty snack left just for her.

She turned her nose up at the breastmilk. This may explain why my oldest son never got the hang of nursing. At the time, I was 21, my younger brother was 18, and he thought the dog dissing my breastmilk was freaking hysterical. I was hurt, I really was.

>insert sad face<

I tried again, the tasting that is, when I had my second baby, and really.. if memory serves correctly, it just tastes like sweetened milk. very sugary, kinda thick, like cream. and warm. I never tried it cold, though. Husbandguy refused to try it, but he got a taste anyway. Let's just say that hormonal urges turn on the spigots, and we didn't stick to missionary all the time. (think spraying fountain. gives a whole new definition to the term 'water sports" which is fine by me.)

yep. the joys of motherhood.

oh, and on the whole breastfeeding issue? I've got a proposition. Let's all leave women who want to nurse their kids the freak alone, whether they're doing it at the mall, in a restaurant, at the beach, or in their own living rooms, and likewise not get all gestapo on women who would rather not nurse for whatever reasons that it's none of our freaking business to get all in their faces about, Okay?


I never got around to making that breastmilk sourdough starter I saw recipes for....

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

OH NOES!!! 6-6-6

Today, June 6, 2006 is generally written in the western calendar as 06/06/06. I thought all the idjits running around with the "it's the number of the beast!" and "it's the end of the world!" hysteria were basically full of the proverbial bovine processed grain.

However, I must consider this:

I spent the day at the zoo with several hyperactive little boys, thus I was too tired to cook, so Burger King made our dinner.

I ordered, pulled around to the second window and paid. My change?


I kid you not.

I always knew there was something creepy about that Burger King guy.....