Friday, June 23, 2006

The Mommy Wars….

According to some overpaid pundit, women who have earned a college degree and yet decide to stay at home and not bring in a paycheck have wasted their educations.

No word on men who do the same.

No word on men OR women who cannot get jobs in their field and end up working some minimum wage or union job to bring in the cash instead of what they planned on doing, either.

When I was a single mother, I got a degree in theater. My plan was to support myself and my son, doing something I was good at, that I liked.

Then Life Happened.


Over a decade later, I'm a SAHM, with three kids. Was my education wasted? Was the grant I obtained to pay for my education wasted? Was the time my profs spent teaching me wasted?

I keep thinking someone else could have had that spot, someone else could have benefited from that money...

But what about the men who aren't in the careers that they studied for? My brother got a degree in computer something or other. Since outsourcing, he's now making a living laying cable. Was his education wasted? One of the women I studied with left theater altogether and started over on a new degree in education. What I said about myself could apply to her, too.

Why is ANY education considered "wasted" when it doesn't pan out as planned? Is an educated society THAT BAD?

Is it possible that educated women AND men make more informed parents? Is there no contribution unless it can be measured in taxable income?



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