Monday, July 31, 2006

Google = internet crack...

It all started because I was cleaning out my attic. Seriously, want a really good reason NOT to clean your attic? This might do. So, I found a whole bunch of notes that I took in "History of Costume" back in the day, and I'm reading them, and an old newsletter was stuck in the back of the notebook, so of course I read that, too. And one name struck me. It was the name of "that guy".. you know that guy, the one who you just KNOW is going to make it. the guy with talent just falling out his ass? Everyone else could be selling pencils, meth or partylite candles on the street corners, but you just KNOW that guy won't be. He'll be the one person who follows the dream.

So, for the hell of it, I looked him up on IMDB. Yep. there he was, Mr. Successful, having not only directed a few films, but written several screenplays, etc, etc, and damn, good for him.

So, I thought that would be the end of it, but I'm innocently watching a rerun of a second season NCIS episode, and I'm playing "name that actor, where the fuck have I seen him before" and of course I knew he was "Ethan" from Lost, but hell, still had to look him up, right? Plus one of the other guests looked familiar. (Turns out I'd seen him in something or other, but he was totally forgettable.) At any rate, I'm just scanning the guest actor list, and a name pops out at me. I know that name. As a matter of fact, I have a freaking yearbook photo in my head to go with that name. So I check out her IMDB page, and yeah, it could be her... some 20 years later. So I dig through my yearbooks- conveniently located where else, the attic- and yep.. I went to high school with her.

Holy shit.

And actually, good for her, because dammit, she wanted it badly enough to work for it, and she got it. Yay her.

Of course this lead to the google-ing of other names that happened to pop into my head. So I'm looking up random people that I knew back when I was still adorable, and ...damn. Nothing makes you feel old like finding out one of your old fuckbuddies is now a CHANCELLOR at a college. It's not as if he was that much older than me, either. But there he is, and... damn. I'm old. I now need to get a tattoo or something, just so I can be even LESS respectable than I already am. Chancellor. Damn.

Which leads me to the impetus to write this particular post. I did it. I'm not proud of it, I'm a weak, weak, woman, and I did it. I googled an ex boyfriend. Not that I want to get back together with him or anything, but hell, since google is now my internet crack delivery system, might as well. Better than venturing up into the attic when it's 94 fucking degrees here...

He's on Blogger. He has a Blog. He's remodeling his kitchen. He did a great job too, from the looks of it. He looks just like I remember him. Wow. I left a comment on his blog. I bookmarked his blog.

I'm seriously NOT a stalker, really really REALLY I'm not.

Just keep me away from Google. And out of the attic.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Oh NO! not TEH GHEY!!!!

So, preschoolers may get to learn that there are some parents who happen to be in a same-sex relationship, or -as I like to call it- “a married couple who are gay.”

This has caused a number of people to freak right the fuck out. Their main reaction:

“I don’t want to teach my child about sex.”

What in the Freaking Hell?

So I have to ask them...When your child sees a married hetero couple, do you talk about sex with them?

Why should seeing a same-sex couple be any different? Is it absolutely necessary to point out "oh yeah, see those two men? They like getting it on with the nasty together, just like daddy and I do"? Do you tell your kid "yeah, daddy and I have lots of sex, and so do all your friend's parents. 'cause we're straight."

WTF does sex and the having of it have to do with same sex couples who parent children that opposite sex couples who parent children doesn't?

answer: absolutely nothing. not a damned thing. there is no need to talk about sex at all when pointing out to a small child that there are all kinds of families, and some of those families happen to have two mommies or two daddies.

If you're not talking about sex with your kid when you see str8 couples with kids, why the hell would you think you have to talk about it when/if you see gay couples with kids?

holy shit already.

Why the hell do people think that when they talk about a gay couple, they have to go into details about anal sex, and how much lube is needed per night? You would think that when they see a gay couple, the first thing they think of is "Hey, they're boning each other. heh. heh."

What the fucking hell is so damned offensive about one man kissing another man, that isn't offensive about a man kissing a woman?

grow up and get out of the fourth grade already, jackasses!

Here's a hint. Little kids? don't care about sex. They may know that rubbing whatever feels really nice, and that boys have a penis, and girls have a vagina,(or whatever stupid, weird, or cutesy name their sexually repressed parents thought up to name said body parts) but beyond that they don't really care, nor do they want to know. "Todd has a daddy, but no mommy" "Lina has two mommies" "Taran lives with his grandma".. these are all they know, all they really need to know. So wtf is up with the hand-wringing and "oh my baby doesn't need to know about sex yet, so keep her the hell away from the gayfolk!" bullshit?


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Empty Minds

Empty Minds <----Click Here

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Eating out.

Now this is funny.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Found another good one....

Waiter Rant: Where's Prozac when you need it?

"The phone rings.

“The Bistro,” I answer, “How can I help you?”

“What kind of cuisine do you serve?” a female voice asks.

“Northern Italian madam.”

“And what’s your sushi special tonight?”

I pause a moment."

Unfortunately, he didn't follow this with "then I reached through the phone and hit her in the head with a brick"....


Waiter Rant

read. thank you Dasha!!!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I love my son.

I walked into the living room. Babyguy was watching TV. The Food Channel.

"Hi Momma, I'm watching the Food Channel. The secret ingredient is frozen peas."

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Oldest boy is house sitting.

dialog with midkid:
"now that your brother's temporarily out of the house, you're the oldest kid. You have all his responsibilities."

"does that mean I get his room or something?"