No. No,no,no,no,no!
My husband forced me to get an SUV. well, he didn't force, but it turned out to be the best car at the time for our needs. It's a small SUV, more like a miniSUV, but an SUV nonetheless. So, I drive an SUV, that is established. FOr Christmas this year, my in-laws got me a cell phone. I have resisted getting one for years, but I am now a certified, cell-phone totin' Suv drivin' mom. So oldestboy calls me on my cell while I'm trying to drive in bad weather, and because there is no place to pull over, instead of telling him to knock it off, because if I don't pick up, he keeps calling back till I do anyway, I am talking on my cell while DRIVING in bad weather. driving an SUV while being a mom, nonetheless. I am a cellphonetalking whiledriving an SUV mom.
babyguy brought home a paper from school that listed a bunch of extracurricular activities he could join. He wants to play soccer.
my head asploded.
this is a test
I love you, my soccer mommy.
Super Shmoo says, "let's get the babyguy kicking the little ball around!"
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