Minding someone else's business
Normally, I'm the "mind your own freaking business and leave me the hell alone too" kinda person about things that are.. well, not my business.
like.. how many children should a person have? Not my business. You want one? none? 75? hey, not my bus.. seriously, not my business. repeat: not. my. business.
WTF is up with women who are pounding them out like a spawning flounder? Seriously. I mean, it's still none of my business, but hey.. When you need to buy a SCHOOLBUS to transport your family, doesn't it give you pause? No? Allrighty then....
When you go on television, I get to comment. You have officially made it MY BUSINESS. (also, if you're standing in front of a women's clinic with your 12 spawnlings, telling women not to get whatever health care they deem necessary? stfu and gbtw already. You have now made your reproductive issues fair game.)
You know these women.. they have a lot of reasons, some of them a religious imperative to have as many children as possible, because the earth won't be populated enough till every other species is wiped off the face of the planet. Some of them have husbands who insist that they have more children than they can handle. (Rusty Yates, if there's a Hell, you should burn. no, really.) Some of them like the attention they get being pregnant, they like "ze kyeewt wittwe bay-beeee" and dressing said offspring up in little outfits, and showing them off to all and sundry. And then, right around the time the kid is old enough to say "I hate you mommy! you SUCK!" (which, coincidentally, is right around the time when you can start having really interesting conversations with them) these women turn around and spawn a replacement. And the older kid becomes either invisible, a scapegoat, or the responsibility of one of their older siblings.
For some reason, it's the last catagory that I think are truly disturbed, and that I find truly disturbing. The idea that kids are no longer "fun" once they can talk. The idea that being pregnant or carting around an infant not only makes you interesting, desirable, special, but that it's the ONLY thing that does so. The fact that there is no way in hell even two parents can spend any reasonable quantity of quality, one-on-one time with each child when they've got a dozen kids enters into it as well.
It's just creepy, and sad. And when you go on national television? I get to comment. If you're depressed, (and don't have a sadistic bastard for a husband) why are you having another kid? If you can't feed the kids you've got, why are you having another kid? If you are stressed out, why are you having another kid? If you have 11 girls, and you want a boy? get a puppy. Hell, I wanted a daughter in the worst way, but I ended up with three boys that I love intensly, and would give none of them up for a daughter. (a massage, maybe) (no, not really.) So what the hell is up with producing till you get a specific sex? ::remember.. if you keep it off national television, none of my business. This is directed to women who go on talk shows, "nanny" shows, and Discovery network "101 kids, and another in the oven" specials.::
To quote Col. Tigh: "What the HELL?"
Oh my god. Move out to a farm and raise baby goats or something, but please.... If you are looking for someone to love you, why THE HELL are you having another kid? Babies do not love you. Babies do not love. Babies turn milk into poo. And then they scream. And then they sleep. Repeat ad nauseum. If you do your job right, and you don't get a joker in the genetics card game of life, you eventually end up with a person who will love you and respect you, and contribute to whatever society they live in, but when they first pop out? No love. You are their bitch, you serve and protect. When they are two? three? They love you... they also love smearing poo on the walls, smearing food all over their bodies, tossing rice krispies all over the room and singing the same song 1,952 times in a row.. and they love these things in no particular order, so you might find yourself dumped for a box of cheerios. Honestly, if you do your job as a parent, not only will they absolutely HATE you when they're 15, but even when they finally get back around to loving you again, they will HOPEFULLY love someone else more. Because ain't nothing sadder than a man who loves mommy more than the woman he's married to.
Get love, look for love, from adults. From people who didn't live inside you. Look for meaning in your life other than how many people you can add to the census. If you're a teenager, going on Maury is not a good enough reason to deliberately have a baby. And no, that baby won't love you either. That baby will make it difficult to go anywhere and/or finish your education. And having a baby for some guy won't make him love you. It won't give you "a part of him" because honestly... that baby isn't him. That baby isn't you. Children, offspring, are not redemption, they are not replacements, they are their own people who are entirely separate from their parents. Different. People. Who deserve to grow into whoever they will become, without bizzare expectations.
Good. god. And why the heck are you ON TELEVISION anyway? Can't you think of a better way to spend your time? Take your kids to the park already.
But don't take them the day I'm going there, because we want a chance at the swings.