Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

I frequent a religion message board, where deletions run rampant.
This gem was posted by a man I only know as "Kuma" and all I know about him is that his wife is Japanese, he's a bit older than me, and he has a warrior's spirit.

I know it will get deleted, as he angers the Religious fundies over there, and they won't like this.

so I'm posting it here, to keep alive.

16022. On Memorial Day
by kuma03, 5/29/06 15:34 ET

If you wish, I would like to Memorialize the following fallen and effected by the selfishness of warfare:

- The soldiers fallen giving their lives for what they were told to believe in.

- The soldiers fallen rescuing fellow soldiers, civilians and even the enemy from harm.

- The wives, husbands, sons and daughters who were told that their loved one has fallen.

- The soldiers that must return to their nation missing limbs or handicapped in other ways from experiencing warfare.

- The children in the war zones that grow up emotionally severed from seeing the destruction

- The politicians. Yes... the nuts that convince us into war. They will fall eventually with the death of others on their conscience.

- The medics: their job is to save lives. And for the rest of their lives, they will wonder if they had done something different, more lives would have been saved.

- the 'Enemy': everyone is an enemy to someone else if you set the table for such an event. Just discern the information that you are getting for dinner.

- The 6000 fallen US men and women in Afghanistan, Iraq and WTC.

- The 40,000 civilians of Afghanistan and Iraq.

And finally: all of the faces you never hear about that fall in war: executed, disease, suicide, starvation, frozen, or simply die from having no more life left to address the horror.

San san san


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