Wednesday, November 02, 2005

part three

The third time my bc failed, I was married, with a kid in elementary school, and a toddler. A loveable, wonderfull 1 year old who started walking when he was 9 months old, and climbed on the furniture.

At that time, Husband and I were using that wonderfull form of birth control known as "modified rhythm." that is, we used condoms when we thought I might be fertile, based on when my periods came.

Yes, we can feed ourselves, and yeah.. we vote. Scary, huh?

at any rate, I was visited yet again by the ghost of the pink pee stick. yikes.

This time though, we had medical coverage, husband had a good job, we were in a fairly good place financially, so abortion wasn't even considered.

Till one of the tests came back funny. So we had a super-ultrasound done, found out that it was a third boy, and that he was healthy as could be. However, yet again, I was a "high risk" pregnancy, but this time I had the good drugs, so I wasn't as sick and miserable as I had been the last two times.

In the middle of summer I had my last baby. He was also a VBAC, 8 lbs, 13 oz, came out squalling.

I didn't think I could fall in love with him as I had my first and second boys. My first boy, I was so sick when he was born that I hardly registered that he was out. I remember asking my mother what he looked like, but that was about it. I didn't get to hold him till he was a week old. I didn't get to see him till he was 5 days old. My second, I hemorrhaged after the birth, and I was out of it.. only noticing that he had a full head of hair, and that he was FREAKING HUGE!

I loved my two boys so much, I didn't think I could love another one as much. But I did.

I also spent the first week home with him sobbing my eyes out because I thought I would never have another baby. Freaky, huh? inconsistant much? Now I would be THRILLED to have a free tubal. At the time, I wanted to keep my options open.

It's been over 7 years, and my little guy is in first grade now. He was diagnosed with ALL (Leukemia) when he was 2 1/2. He's been off chemo for a year and a half now, and he is the SMARTEST kid on the planet.

and he looks like Harry Potter with his glasses, which is kinda funny.

On Abortion rights:

I CHOSE to have my three boys. I CHOSE to bring them into the world. I didn't choose to get pregnant, but I am DAMNED GLAD I had the choice availiable. I can never say I "had" to have my boys.

I have a friend who was pregnant, and her ONLY feeling was "Get This THING! OUT of me!" She aborted. I had a friend who was suicidally depressed during and after her only pregnancy that came to term, and she aborted a subsequent pregnancy, as the depression was heading itno psychosis territory. I have had friends who have aborted because they wanted careers, not kids, because it just wasn't the right time to have a baby, because they had as many kids as they could handle, and because they were too unstable to parent. I went with one friend to the clinic, where they wer not monsters, they were proffesionals who performed a needed medical procedure for a woman who was making her own decisions, much as I made my own decisions to have my boys.

Forcing women to have babies simply because their bc failed is akin to rape, imo. Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy, no matter what the neanderthals scream.

You know what? I had my three kids. I'm not sorry I had them. but I'm done. My last pregnancy was hard enough, I'm almost 40, and Husband and I are done. We're not having any more, and we're content with that. That doesn't mean we are not having sex again, btw. Not exactly conducive to a good relationship, is it?

Unless you're a member of Fungus on the Family, that is...


At 12:01 PM, Blogger Val said...

Great posts Kits!
When I work up my own "Keep your nose outta my uterus!" post, I'll let ya know...


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